Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Women’s Movement In Middle-East.

Women’s movement in middle-east during 6 years, has been increasing by calling for their rights over & over with their rights & women now feel they are responsible about themselves & about their lives but that movement is forcing many impediments , some are social structures, some are cultural traditions that inhibit women's development, domestic violence.

Women trying to fight for their rights, amid rising religious extremism or internal conflict.
There are many issues in her way to get her rights, But in the other hand she improved herself by giving her right to vote in 2005 in Kuwait, custodial mothers won recognition of their parental authority and proxy marriages were banned in Algeria but, these are few countries who accepted the change & it is still far away from a big change comparing with western counters; Despite the advances in literacy, educational attainment, political participation and economic role for women, but violence against women remains widespread throughout the Arab world.

So, what can be done to help the women of the Middle East?

Being one voice, helping each other, asking for International NGOs should continue the good work they've done to support civil society activities in the region, asking United State government & United Kingdom to help our eastern women by making a bridge of trust between their NGOs & our organizations that help women & that will not be done if WE don’t raise our voice if we don’t help each other if we don’t take our issues seriously, if we don’t fight.

The time is now & we should motivate each other to reach out our rights as part of human rights.

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